Wednesday, August 3, 2011

August 3, 2011

Mercury goes retrograde today. For the next three weeks, it will be a good idea to research, make plans but don't act on them, and re-evaluate my previous plans.

I used to be a great and prolific planner, making lists of what I would like to have in my life and when. When I got married, I lost myself and thus lost that part of myself. Now, that I am free and independent, I am remembering that I can plan my life out and have it be the way that I want it to be.

This is both exciting and frightening. I am constantly being nudged by the Universe to claim my life and live it. My ex is cutting the amount of money he is giving me for the kids, my job ended on the 29th, I have ideas of what I want to do, and I am scared of how the money will come in to take care of the monthly bills that I have.

To Do:
write my book on the Astrology of Knitting
write my book on square and rectangular knitting: making all sorts of things without shaping
keep up on my blog and keep writing my lists

I feel better already after having written just those three things.


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